API Reference

Indices and tables

Manage the application creation and configuration process.

promptly.app.create_app(config=None) Flask[source]

Create and configure an instance of the Flask application.

promptly.app.load_env_vars(base_path: str)[source]

Load the current dotenv as system environment variable.

promptly.app.configure_app(app: Flask, config_name=None)[source]

Configure application.

promptly.app.configure_extensions(app: Flask)[source]

Configure extensions for the application.

promptly.app.configure_context_processors(app: Flask)[source]

Configure the context processors.

promptly.app.configure_blueprints(app: Flask)[source]

Configure blueprints for the application.

Configuration module for the application.

Provides the base configuration and specific configurations for development, testing, and production. Includes the ‘config’ dictionary for easy switching between different configurations.

class promptly.config.Config[source]

Bases: object

Base config, uses staging database server.

static init_app(app: Flask)[source]

Initialize the application with configuration-specific settings.

This method takes a Flask application instance and configures it with settings defined in the configuration object.


app (flask.Flask) – The Flask application instance.


config_obj = DevelopmentConfig()
class promptly.config.DevelopmentConfig[source]

Bases: Config

Uses development database server.

class promptly.config.TestingConfig[source]

Bases: Config

Uses in-memory database server.

class promptly.config.ProductionConfig[source]

Bases: Config

Uses production database server.

A module with utility functions.

promptly.utils.PROMPTLY_THREAD_TIMEOUT: float = 60.0

The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the threaded_execute() function will wait for the completion of the function it is executing in a separate thread.

This constant uses the value of the PROMPTLY_THREAD_TIMEOUT environment variable, if set, or defaults to 60 seconds.

promptly.utils.strtobool(value: str) bool[source]

Convert a string representation of truth to true (1) or false (0).

String values are case-insensitive and can be any of: ‘y’, ‘yes’, ‘t’, ‘true’, ‘on’, ‘1’, ‘n’, ‘no’, ‘f’, ‘false’, ‘off’, ‘0’.


value (str) – The string to convert to a boolean.


The boolean representation of the string.

Return type:



ValueError – If the value does not represent a truth value.


bool_value = strtobool('True')
# bool_value is now True
promptly.utils.try_parse_int(value: str) int[source]

Try to convert a string to an integer.

This function attempts to convert a string to an integer. If the conversion fails due to a ValueError or TypeError, it returns None.


value (str or None) – The string to convert.


The integer value if conversion is successful, None otherwise.

Return type:

int or None

promptly.utils.threaded_execute(func, *args, timeout=None, **kwargs)[source]

Worker thread for timed request execution.

This function will continuously attempt to execute func until it succeeds without encountering a concurrent.futures.TimeoutError. If a concurrent.futures.TimeoutError occurs, a warning is logged, and the function is re-invoked with the same arguments.

  • func – The function to be executed.

  • args – Positional arguments to pass to func.

  • timeout – The time, in seconds, within which func should complete execution. Defaults to PROMPTLY_THREAD_TIMEOUT.

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass to func.


The return value of func, if it completes successfully within the allotted time.


Any exceptions raised by func, except for concurrent.futures.TimeoutError which is caught and logged.

The api blueprint module for the application.

This module provides a simplified interface to the OpenAI API.

promptly.api.openai_eval.completion(*args, **kwargs) Dict[str, Any][source]

Generates a text completion using the OpenAI API.

This function uses an exponential backoff strategy to handle the following exceptions:

  • openai.error.ServiceUnavailableError

  • openai.error.APIError

  • openai.error.RateLimitError

  • openai.error.APIConnectionError

  • openai.error.Timeout

The backoff delay starts at 1 second and increases by a factor of 1.5 with each retry, capping at a maximum delay of 60 seconds between retries.

Any arguments or keyword arguments are forwarded directly to the openai.ChatCompletion.create method. The OpenAI API key is read from the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable by any import openai’s __init__.py file.

  • args – Variable-length argument list.

  • kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments.


The generated text completion.

Return type:



Exceptionopenai.error.OpenAIError if there is an error in the API request.

Module for serving chat API request.

This module contains a blueprint for a Flask application to handle chat API requests. It processes a user’s chat message and returns the model’s response.


Process a user’s chat message and return the model’s response.

Extracts the user’s message from the request form, sends it to OpenAI for processing, extracts the response from OpenAI’s reply, and sends the response back to the user.


A JSON object containing the model’s response to the user’s message.

Return type:



Exceptionopenai.error.OpenAIError for issues with the OpenAI call.

The chat blueprint module for the application.

The chat module for the application.

promptly.chat.views.chat_index() Response[source]

Redirect to the appropriate chat page based on cookie value.

This function checks if a chat_id exists in cookies and if so, redirects the user to that specific chat page. Otherwise, a new chat page is rendered.


Redirect response or a call to chat() function.

Return type:


promptly.chat.views.chat(chat_id=None) Response[source]

Render the chat page of the application.


chat_id (int) – The ID of the chat. If not exists, a new chat is created.


The rendered chat page template.

Return type:


promptly.chat.views.history() str[source]

Render the chat history page of the application.


The rendered chat history template.

Return type:


The template filters module for the chat.

promptly.chat.template_filters.human_readable_date(value: datetime) str[source]

Convert a datetime object to a human-readable date.

This function takes a datetime object and returns a string that represents a more human-readable and context-sensitive representation of the time. The output will be one of the following:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Previous 7 Days

  • Previous 30 Days

  • Previous Year

  • Older


value (datetime.datetime) – The datetime object to be converted.


A string representing the human-readable date.

Return type:


The main blueprint module for the application.

The promptly.main module provides the routes and errors handlers definition for the application.

General routes and views for the application.

This module contains the general routes and views for the main section of the Promptly application, including the homepage and maintenance mode handling.

promptly.main.views.PROMPTLY_MAINTENANCE_MODE: bool = False

The maintenance mode flag for the application.

This constant uses PROMPTLY_MAINTENANCE_MODE environment variable to determine if the application is in maintenance mode. The value of the environment variable is converted to a boolean value using the strtobool() function.


Check if the application is in maintenance mode.

This function is called before each request to the application. If the environment variable PROMPTLY_MAINTENANCE_MODE is set to a truthy value, the function will abort the request with a 503 Service Unavailable status.


HTTPException: 503 Service Unavailable, if the app is in maintenance mode.


Set the debug mode for the application.

Application models and convenient imports.

The promptly.models module provides application models and imports necessary modules for ease of access.

Service classes for interacting with external systems.

The promptly.services module contains service classes and functions that encapsulate the logic for interacting with external systems such as the OpenAI API.

OpenAI Service Wrapper.

The promptly.services.openai_service module provides a service for interacting with the OpenAI’s API through the OpenAIService class. It handles query construction, API calls, and response extraction.

class promptly.services.openai_service.OpenAIService[source]

Bases: object

A service class for interacting with the OpenAI API.

model (str): The model to be used by OpenAI. Default is

gpt-3.5-turbo or can be set via the environment variable OPENAI_MODEL. For details on available models, see the OpenAI API documentation.

get_response(query: str) str[source]

Send a query to OpenAI and return the model’s response.

The method constructs a message from the query, sends it to OpenAI for processing, and extracts the response from OpenAI’s reply.


query (str) – The user’s message.


The model’s response.

Return type:
